For many, traditional office sessions leave something to be desired.  Nature-based mentoring is a way of changing the literal landscape of wellness.  

There is a lot of research, and we mean a LOT of research out there that people with good access to natural environments are more likely to have better mental well-being.  There is evidence to support healthy doses of nature can:

-Improve cognition and concentration (read more)

-Relieve stress and anxiety (link to study)

-Have a positive impact on depression (link to study)

-Decrease relapse rates

-Milder symptoms of ADHD

*More benefits and studies


Nature-based Mentoring sessions get you away from your office/desk/screen/couch and into the outdoors.  Sessions can take place on a trail, at a scenic look-out, a walk-n-talk around a lake, or volunteering at a farm. 

Your Nature-Based Mentor can support…